Canker sores, also known as aphthous ulcers, are small, shallow lesions that appear on the soft tissues in your mouth or at the base of your gums.

Possible causes of Canker Sores

Believe it or not, some of the causes are quite simple, like a vitamin B12 deficiency. Sometimes they can even be causes by something nicking the inside of your mouth or lip like a sharp potato chip. Eating spicy foods can also cause canker sores.

Usually, canker sores are tender for the first few days, and then they can last about a week and disappear on their own without medical treatment.

Tips On Avoiding Canker Sores

Prevention could be as simple as not eating a lot of spicy foods, taking your vitamin B12 supplements, and being careful when eating sharp foods.

There are some helpful items to relieve your canker sores that you can purchase from your local drugstore as well. You can purchase Orajel™ Mouth Sore Gel, which is just a topical numbing gel that can take away some of the discomforts while the canker sour runs its course. There are also several over-the-counter medications that can help.

Coming Into The Office For Canker Sores

If you are still struggling with canker sores and you’ve tried these prevention methods, the next step would be to visit your local dentist office, like Rockside Dental Family Care.

If you are struggling with common canker sores, we are able to utilize laser technology to shorten the lifespan of the canker sores. These are small procedures that won’t take too long and you can schedule ahead of time for more visits in order to keep the canker sores at bay.

Contact Us Today For Canker Sore Information

Whether you have frequent canker sores or experiencing your first one, the team at Rockside Family Dental Care wants to help and is just a phone call away!

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