At Rockside Family Dental Care, we provide our patients with the best technologies when it comes to replacing missing teeth. Our dental implant services are high-quality options for making your smile complete again.

Replacing Teeth with Dental Implants

Our goal as dentists is to keep your natural teeth healthy and intact. However, this is not always an option. Sometime patients will lose a tooth due to infection and any other reasons. When this happens, we almost always recommend dental implants to restore not only the look of your smile but the function too.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants are the golden standard of replacing missing teeth for many reasons. They are long-lasting and the closest option to resemble your natural teeth. Not only do they last forever, but they are also easy to care for, all you have to do is brush and floss them just like you would your natural teeth.

Moreover, dental implants will not get cavities, so that is always another plus. And, Dental implants stay in your mouth as opposed to other tooth replacement options such as dentures.

Dental Implant Technology

Dental implants have been around for a long time, but over the past five to ten years, the technology has come a long way. All we have to do is implant the base into your bone and apply the crown, which looks just like your other teeth.

Contact Us

The best way to find out if dental implants are right for you is with a consultation. Contact us today to see which tooth replacement treatment can give you your full and beautiful smile back!

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