If you have young kids, you may be wondering if it’s time to bring them into Rockside Family Dental Care for their first visit. The first question is simply, “How old do they need to be in order for us to see them as a patient?”

The Right Age For A Visit 

Typically, dentists will see patients as early as 1 year old. We understand that for most parents, this might seem a little too young to have them coming in for dental care. That’s okay! That first appointment will be to determine if your little one can handle the environment. We want to make sure they feel comfortable with our procedures and techniques at a young age. 

Rockside Dental Family Care sees children as young as three, or whenever their parents feel they’re ready and able to sit in the chair on their first visit. Yes, guardians can sit with their children while they’re getting a procedure done too! 

Utilizing Dental Products At An Early Age

Your next question might be in regard to dental products and how early children can and should be using them. Fluoride can be used as long as the first tooth is in the mouth. Whenever that may be, it’s fine to utilize the fluoride varnish, especially when there is less chance of them swallowing it.

As far as sealants go, typically around 6-12 years old is when you’ll get your first set of molars. This is when you want to ensure protection from cavities for the teeth.

For those with smaller children and/or babies, they do make orthodontic pacifiers that help with the muscle and skeletal movement of the mouth. We encourage that use of pacifiers should stop around the age of 2 to 4. Bottle use should be stopped around 18 months, just so that the bones don’t start to grow in the shape a child’s mouth makes while drinking from a bottle.

Contact Us For More Pediatric Information 

Rockside Family Dental Care can help you decide when your child should come in and visit us. Visit our website or give us a call for more details!

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